Sublet Information

At U District Housing, we understand that you may need to sublet your unit. We certainly do not want to be the reason you can't study abroad, or participate in the opportunity of a lifetime! The good news is you can in fact sublet your unit.

First, you did in fact sign a lease agreement, so if you simply vacated without finding a sub-letter before the end of your term, you would be breaking your lease which has both a monetary penalty as stated in the lease, and you remain responsible for payments due on the remainder of your lease. To sublease, there is a $200 fee we will deduct from your deposit refund. You remain fully responsible and bound by your lease agreement until the sublet has signed their lease and the first day of their lease has started.

  1. Have the new tenant fill out an Application and pay the application fee.
  2. Let us know when the new tenant is moving in.
  3. We will send the new tenant their lease. Note that all leases end August 31st.
  4. Once the lease is signed, you just need to hand off keys!
  5. If you have utilities set up, make sure to transfer them to the new tenant or you may still be responsible for them.

Also note the following important information:

  • You are responsible for conducting the showing of your unit to an interested sub-letter.
  • You have to be in position to hand off the keys to the new tenants and make the arrangementsas stated above.
  • Deposit and last month rent refund will occur only after the new tenant has paid the deposit and last month rent to us. (If the new lease starts after the 1st, rent will be prorated and you will be responsible for any difference)
  • If you are in a group living situation (i.e., rooming house or Upstairs / Downstairs Group Pod), you must obtain approval of all other residents that they are OK with your sub-letter taking over your lease.